reclaim your power to act

How can you help?
There are many ways to support The Off Ramp and its mission. Of course, you can donate funds, but there are also opportunities to donate your time, skills, and other resources that will make just as strong an impact. Read on to learn more about the projects we are involved in and the plans we are making!

"Any immigrant who lives with you must be treated as if they were one of your citizens. You must love them as yourself, because you were immigrants in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God."
Leviticus 19:34 (Common English Bible)

amani sasa
Building Careers
Amani Sasa is an organization that works for the safety, wholeness, and empowerment of refugees in Uganda. With few to no safety nets in Ugandan society, the pandemic of COVID-19 dramatically impacted this vulnerable population. As Amani Sasa transitions from crisis mode to equipping and empowering, we are joining them in a project that will help eight women build careers.
We are coming together to provide training in basket weaving. Each participant successfully completing the course will be given an opportunity to become part of a cooperative and receive financial help to purchase initial supplies. During their time of learning each woman will receive mentoring, on-site meals and childcare if needed.
the esther project shop
Supporting artisans in Kenya
The Esther Project was created to help combat human trafficking in Kenya through the development of a market for handcrafted artisanal goods made by women who are in vulnerable situations. The Off Ramp assists The Esther Project with product development and quality control, as well as through the sale of their goods at ThreadsbyNomad.com.
By supporting The Esther Project through The Off Ramp, you are helping women in Kenya provide for their families. All of the products are handmade and each one is different. You can shop The Esther Project's designs at Threads by Nomad and at TheEstherProjectShop.com.

snack packs
at the border
Lupe's soaps
a story of reinvention
Guadalupe Franco and Gezer Madriz are from Venezuela. They arrived to the United States in 2017, fleeing the political and humanitarian turmoil in their country. Lupe was a diplomat and Gezer a journalist. Lupe also owned a personal care company called Marea (meaning tides).
Now in the United States, upon the realization that a career in their fields are not possible, they have launched a new skincare business. With Lupe's experience in crafting soap and other natural skincare products and Gezer's expertise in marketing and promotions, they make a great team!
The Off Ramp is supporting Lupe in the growing of her business through mentorship in business development and consulting in product development and marketing.

Refugee Children's
access to education
Refuge and Hope
Product development in Uganda
Refuge and Hope International in Kampala, Uganda helps refugees and displaced people rebuild their lives. One of the ways they are accomplishing this is through a sewing program. The Off Ramp is coming alongside them to help develop product, implement quality control, and develop marketing strategies.

Kin and Care
a project completed!
Kin and Care employs refugee women in the Washington, D.C. area. The small business's goal is to hire more women and offer more opportunities for them to thrive. To that end, The Off Ramp is providing consultation support and a grant to procure the raw materials for a new product line. A refugee from Iran will be taught product development and will teach/mentor others.
UPDATE: Yay! This project has reached its benchmark and we are blessing Kin & Care as they move forward. Threads by Nomad, which is The Off Ramp's e-commerce subsidiary, will continue carrying Kin & Care's products and you can shop them all here.
the master's hanicrafts
changing women's lives in kyrgyzstan
The Master's Handicrafts is an export business in the country of Kyrgyzstan dedicated to helping indigenous women of Central Asia develop marketable skills and provide for their families.
The Master's Handicrafts is more than a business though. Sharla and her husband spend time counseling the women who work with them, offer shelter to them when needed, pay for medical expenses occasionally, and invest in creating community.
The Off Ramp supports The Master's Handicrafts through product development, the sale of products via ThreadsbyNomad.com, and marketing consultation.